Hydro-BPT legacy in new beginnings - The Dŵr Uisce Project

The Hydro-BPT project finished in June 2015, and since then staff at Trinity College Dublin and Bangor University have been developing the Dwr Uisce project. On September 1st this €3.36 million 5-year project kicks off (funded by the Ireland-Wales Co-operation Programme 2014-2020) and we already have an extensive network of supporters from across the water sector.

Our new Dwr Uisce project has ambitious aims, and in our eyes is much more than a research project. We will demonstrate and develop technology platforms and work with water suppliers and users to implement these technologies in the region. Our objective is to share and connect with all organisations who offer distinctive skills, technologies and support to reduce the energy costs associated with the supply of water. In doing so, the region will benefit through job creation in this emerging sector and be a leading expert in the water-energy nexus.

The kick-off meeting takes place at Trinity College Dublin on the 7th of October and details of the meeting will be provided after the event. The outcomes from the previous Hydro-BPT project can be found at the previous projects website (www.hydro-bpt.eu) or download the project insights report below.

For all other queries, just contact us here as the Dwr Uisce team are keen to hear from organisations involved or simply interested in an energy efficiency water sector in Ireland and Wales, and indeed support this goal on the global stage.