Development of decision support systems for MHP energy recovery


The proper design of Micro-Hydropower energy recovery schemes within water networks poses great challenges. How to ensure that the planned scheme will not disrupt the prime aim of a network, i.e. delivering drinking water in a reliable and uniform way? And how to correctly size the equipment to achieve the optimal balance between carbon savings and economic benefits?

The proposed approach is a probabilistic one, taking into account from the early stages of a project its inherent sources of uncertainty (e.g. how the water flow rate and pressure could vary along the 20+ lifespan of the scheme, or how well a turbine will perform in its working environment with respect to its theoretical characteristics.

Datblygu systemau cefnogi penderfyniadau ar gyfer adfer ynni MHP

Mae dyluniad priodol o gynlluniau Adfer Ynni-Dŵr Micro o fewn rhwydweithiau dŵr yn creu heriau mawr. Sut mae sicrhau na fyddai’r cynllun arfaethedig yn amharu ar brif nod y rhwydwaith h.y. darparu dŵr yfed mewn ffordd ddibynadwy ac unffurf? Hefyd sut i gael maint yr offer yn gywir er mwyn sicrhau’r cydbwysedd gorau rhwng arbedion carbon a manteision economaidd?

Cynllun tebygolrwydd yw’r dull arfaethedig sy’n ystyried camau cynnar prosiect sydd ag ansicrwydd cynhenid (e.e. sut gall graddfa rhediad dŵr a phwysedd amrywio yn ystod oes 20+ y cynllun, neu pa mor dda fydd y tyrbin yn perfformio yn ei amgylchfyd waith mewn perthynas â’i nodweddion damcaniaethol).